Map at a Glance:
Two camps of Underdark Dwellers have set up outposts near the surface. These camps run along the halls of an ancient Dwarven Highway long since abandoned.
The Highway should be plainly obvious is you look at the accompanying map – running the length of the top to the bottom… And continuing for miles more in each direction…
The Highway separates the borders of Drow and Grimlock interests, with the Drow on the East (Right) and the Grimlocks on the West (Left)
Both the Drow and the Grimlocks know not to cross the center line of the Highway, preferring to hug the walls. If they Hear the adventures coming down the halls, Grimlocks will assume it is a Drow and Drow assume it is a Grimlock
Each will be very puzzled if they hear the Heroes’ voices...
Unlabeled Map Copy
Labelled Map Copy
Using the Map:
Each “Square” on the Map is a 5 foot by 5 foot space.
The white slivers separating hallways and rooms are normal dungeon doors unless otherwise explained. Almost none of them are locked.
Refer to the pdf GM Map Copy for the Rooms in this module. There are 14 Key Areas of Interest.
Key Areas: A1 -/- A2 -/- A3 -/- A4 -/- A5 -/- A6 -/- A7 -/- A8 -/- A9 -/- A10 -/- A11 -/- A12 -/- A13 -/- A14
The other spaces are not described here… Feel free to invent something yourself, ignore the unnumbered rooms or If you’d like to quickly summarize a random room on the fly roll a d8 and consult the table & details below: