A9 Grimlock Meat Locker:

Grimlocks are Humanoid Cannibals and sometimes they visit the surface to snatch people and bring a meal back down below. They trade the Brains to Mind Flayers and keep the rest for themselves.

1 Unlucky humanoid has met that fate. The remainder of the body too disfigured to recognize. Curiously, the rotting corpse in this room have all have their heads removed and the contents of the skull scooped out…

The Grimlocks care not for shiny trinkets. Examining the corpse will reveal a bloodstained silver necklace worth 50gp.

The rest of the meat in this room comes from rats. All of it smells horrid and eating any will make an adventurer sick. The Grimlocks like to keep the spoiled flesh far away from their living space as it makes it hard to smell their way around the dark.

The entrance to this room has no door, but it does have a rudimentary trap to keep scavenging animals away. See the Yellow Mark on the GM Map copy. It is a simple spike pit trap: The hole is covered by a large cloth anchored on the pit’s edge and camouflaged with dirt and debris. The DC to spot the pit is 10. Anyone stepping on the cloth falls through and pulls the cloth down into the pit. A creature falling into the pit takes 9 (2d8) piercing damage from the spikes plus 3 (1d6) damage from the fall.

Key Areas: A1 -/- A2 -/- A3 -/- A4 -/- A5 -/- A6 -/- A7 -/- A8 -/- A9 -/- A10 -/- A11 -/- A12 -/- A13 -/- A14