A5 Grimlock Sleeping Space

6 Grimlocks sleep in this room. Lying sprawled out on Scattered rags and rat fur. They snore loudly & dream their dark wicked dreams.

Players who wish to get close will still need to test their luck… But so long as a Grimlock is asleep it loses its advantage on Perception check to hear or smell them.

A Grimlock can be awoken if someone uses it action to shake them awake. Loud spells and battle noise will require a stealth roll against the sleeper’s Perception. [-2 Modifier instead of the usual +3]

If Awoken a Grimlock will quickly collect itself and prepare to fight. Stopping to rouse a neighbor if it can

Key Areas: A1 -/- A2 -/- A3 -/- A4 -/- A5 -/- A6 -/- A7 -/- A8 -/- A9 -/- A10 -/- A11 -/- A12 -/- A13 -/- A14