A6 Grimlock Listening Post

By nature of their blindness the Grimlock’s rely on the echoing sounds of the dungeon the navigate. 4 such listeners wait in this room for any sound of danger in the underground.

2 of the Grimlocks wait just behind the corners of the two entrances to this room. Their hearing allowing them to “see” around the corner without poking their heads out. The 3rd & 4th Grimlocks anxiously pace back and forth in this room.

If these Guards hear or smell anything unusual from the east, they will walk south to get the Rust Monster and come back and sniff out the intruders.

If the Guards realize a disruption at the Burn Pitt A8. They will go there first, expecting a confrontation. Assuming they find nothing, they will proceed to the Rust Monster and patrol the corridors.

The Grimlocks keep an uneasy truce with the Drow and will not stray too far east. If any intruders go that way, the Grimlocks will assume the Dark Elves will catch them.

Key Areas: A1 -/- A2 -/- A3 -/- A4 -/- A5 -/- A6 -/- A7 -/- A8 -/- A9 -/- A10 -/- A11 -/- A12 -/- A13 -/- A14