A4 Grimlock Dark Temple:

The Grimlock’s serve Mind Flayers in the Underdark – believe that assisting their foul masters their sight can be restored and they destroy their enemies and return to the surface.

This room is an “alter” to a MindFlayer. The Pale Skull of a dead Illithid lies on the stone table. Bits of smashed brains pile around the skull – offerings of mind to the creatures that each thought. The Alter is protected by Magic and any attempt to disturb the shrine will result in 4 shadow tentacles manifesting and trying to attack anyone within 10 feet. [Only 1 tentacle will a 1 target & Each tentacle only attacks 1 time]. The Grimlock Priest below is not safe from this dark revenge.

Each tentacle has Attk +5, and deals 1d10+4 Psychic damage.

A dozen moldy cushions scatter about on the floor, the Grimlocks use them to kneel when making dark prayers.

A Grimlock lies behind the Stone Alter, easily able to hear the Party approach as sound echo across the walls and into the door-less room. This Grimlock “Priest” will crouch motionless in hiding listening to the players.

If the heroes touch the alter, he will spring up and attack, after possibly being hurt by the tentacles!

If they leave the temple it will try to follow them and attack at a better moment.

Key Areas: A1 -/- A2 -/- A3 -/- A4 -/- A5 -/- A6 -/- A7 -/- A8 -/- A9 -/- A10 -/- A11 -/- A12 -/- A13 -/- A14