A7 Grimlock Chief

Grimlock society is nasty, brutish, and short. Their leader is merely the biggest and the meanest among them. The “Chief” has taken one of his fellows away from the pack and is giving them a harsh lesson in this room. The chief has 2 bodyguards who follow him around wherever he goes.

If the heroes successfully sneak up on the Grimlock Cheif they will find the bigger creature hitting a smaller one on the floor. Occupied with its “sport” it won’t react until it detects the PCs, at which point will choose a new target to bully.

If the Grimlock hears the PCs opening the door to the east, or if it heard a battle to the west, it would use its weak cousin as bait to lure the PCs into the room. Leaving the beaten Grimlock to cry out and attract attention. When the Heroes come and find a battered Grimlock on the floor the Chief intends to ambush the intruders.

The wounded Grimlock is Prone on the floor and has only 3 hit points left. It remains on the floor in shame and fear – unsure if its worse to deal with the Chief or with the intruders.

The Grimlock Chief has Maximum Hit points relative to its kin – 17.

The Chief fights with a Magical +1 Greatclub. It is a two handed weapon: Melee weapon attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:  (1d8 + 4) Magical Bludgeoning Damage

He is otherwise a normal Grimlock

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