Adventure 6 - In which our Heroes meet Death

Despite their past successes and the wonderous things our heroes saw at Krezk and they Abbey they are aware that they should not anger the Abbot. They immediately leave for Vallaki hoping to make more friends and to secure the Dress the Abbot seeks for his twisted plan.

The Vistanti have been helpful to our heroes in the past, but they know full well the watchfulness of the Baron Valakovich. He would not allow them inside the town. Luvash offers to head out of Barovia to collect somethings - the dark magic that traps others in Strahd’s realm will not apply to him or his brother. Our heroes make some requests - paying Luvash to acquire needed tools they will doubtlessly use when confronting the shadow. Luvash takes the road west promising to return in 2 days. Younger brother Arrigal similarly leaves on some business and goes east.

At the gates of Vallaki, our heroes spy the dozens of wolf heads on pikes surrounding the walls. These town guards look much more well prepared and trained than those they saw at Barovia village. The veteran defenders of Vallaki have stopped many threats before. Their armor nicked and their eyes narrow with suspicion. Izzek the captain of the Town Guard questions them before they enter - “Strahd’s Servants are everywhere, we don’t just let anyone into our village.”

The Martikov Family

However, our players, no longer in the company of “Strahd’s Servants,” are allowed inside. The Vallakians gracious to anyone who has been able to thin the numbers of the wicked wolves that roam the nearby wilds. Inside Vallaki for the first time our heroes acquaint themselves with many new faces and oddities. Unlike the last village, which was always under the constant eye of Castle Ravenloft, Vallaki is relatively safe - its inhabitants trying to their best to be happy as a way to spite the Devil Strahd.

The first introduction our heroes make is with the Martikov Family. Owners of the Blue Water Inn. Here they get some answers about the Ravens they’ve seen following them around. The family recognize our heroes from their efforts in protecting the people of Barovia. They also clearly know the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind the heroes recovered from Witches at the BoneGrinder.

The Martikov’s introduce themselves as Were-Ravens. Their family burdened with the form of birds and the responsibility of keeping watch on the Devil Strahd. The like the Dusk Elves has seen 500 years of Strahd’s Crime and have mostly been unable to prevent it. At least they can offer the Barovian’s wine - one of the few blessings people hold dear in this dark land. The Martikov family - they and the heroes compare notes and promise to watch out for each other.

Another of the interesting people our heroes meet is the toymaker Blinsky. His small toy shop filled with the oddest assortments of macabre trinkets. Miniature guillotines - nightmarish rocking horses - and a series of porcelain dolls that look oddly familiar. Each of them closer in likeness to Ireena back in Barovia. Blinksy tells our heroes that he thinks people should have fun as a way to thwart Strahd’s reign of terror. He even sells Magnolia a porcelain doll at discount.

Blinksy the Toy-Maker

Rictavio - The Circus Master

Curious about the Monkey, Blinsky tells the players about Circus Master Rictavio. Blinksky explains that the Martikov’s had sneezing fits with the Monkey in the Inn. So the kind toymaker took the Monkey in while Rictavio explores Barovia for his curiosities. Suspicious our heroes head snoop around and find a wagon Rictavio rode into town. It looks curiously like one the Vistanti would drive - but they do not think Rictavio is a wanderer like them.

Under the Inside the wagon they hear a creature lurking about - peeping in thru the keyhole they stare down a tiger. Its green fiery eye fiercely watching them. Magnolia holds up the wanted poster Rahadin gave them. The tiger confirms that the Circus Master is the Vampire hunter - wanted fugitive - Rudolph Van Richten. Curiosity grows and our heroes return to the Inn to end the days work.

A days meetings and greeting over, our heroes decide to bed for the night - hoping to ask the Baron Valakovich for a favor in the morning. As they arrive back at the Blue Water Inn, they meet Gentlemen Holtz for the 2nd time. Holtz sat at the Inn’s bar making the owner’s family nervous and chatting with the Captain of the town guard. Garrick immediately recognizes him for the monster he truly is - and try to alert Izzek to the danger. Subtly they get ready to challenge the Vampire in his disguise - however Holtz surprises them all by announcing who they are first.

“You know Izzek,” Holtz (Strahd) says, “I’ve seen these travelers before, they were guests of the Count and came from Castle Ravenloft.”

Quickly our heroes try to protest and tell Izzek that he is being misled. Holtz is the true monster in the room - deceiving Izzek and the Baron and preying upon their fears. The dazzling green eyes of the Vampire hypnotize the captain.

Izzek Vallaki Guard Captain

“Spies!” Izzek Cries, “We will have your heads for betraying Vallaki!”

Desperately our heroes fight a few members of the town guard. They try their best to hold their ground and act only in defense - they should give no reason to prove Strahd correct in his lie. The Vampire merely cackles at the mess her made in the Blue Water Inn - enjoying the desperation of our heroes. Although the courage of Vallaki is great in the face of Evil - the magic of our heroes is greater! They manage to chase of lesser guardsmen and Kai was even just about to break the enchantment on Izzek….

When Suddenly Strahd Von Zorrovich, throws off his façade. His face loosing his handsome composure and twisting into a snarling ferocious mask of a monster. He charges with supernatural speed at his own Puppet. Strahd Lifts Izeek up clear off the ground before drinking his blood in full view of the Inn.

No longer toying with his prey, Strahd acts boldly and with great speed. All of our heroes pounce on him immediately but he dodges and parries - throws a counter-spell to disrupt Zeff and singles out Magnolia. Helpless to stop the beast’s speed and strength he descends upon her and spill her blood.

However the Vampire was not able to steal her away into darkness. As she lies dying on the floor - the Amulet, recover from the witches before glows brightly and drives the Vampire back. His hands burning as its holy power repels the Devil. If he cannot steal the artifact from the players - and with his disguise broken. Strahd has 1 more trick. His flies up to the ceiling of the Inn and reigns fire down as he swoops out the window!

The Blue Water Inn is set aflame. Garrick ushers the last of the living guards out the door. Kai searches the spare rooms for Rictavio (Rudolph Van Richten) and the Martikov Family - fortunately finding they also escaped. Zeff is the last to leave the conflagration he carries Magnolia’s remains out of the fire. Holding close to his heart the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind.

In the distance they see the Vampire laughing to himself as he flies back to his castle. Our heroes are certain they will not be going to bed just yet…