Adventure 7 - Working in the Dark…

Our heroes leave the Blue Water Inn behind. They saved the Martikov family but now realize a former friend of Vallaki, Holtz, has transformed into its greatest enemy.

The remaining town guards search the city limits. While The Master Vampire Strahd Von Zorovich fled east to his Castle, his entourage remained behind. Baron Valokovich remembers that Holtz arrived in town with his wealthy friends. The NightWatch is confident that Strahd went home - but not the 6 who waited on him that evening.

What our heroes need to do, and do so quickly is recover the Bones of St. Markovia and return it to the Reliquary. This crimes was committed a few days ago - and the Baron's trusted Captain, Izzek, is no longer fit for service.

With Izzek’s blood drained away - the Baron begs our heroes to assist. The Baron has just lost his two closest allies - and he is desperate. Our heroes see that the Baron can hardly talk. He appears so nervous what with how much his shivers and shakes.

Garrick immediately agrees to help and despite their exhaustion, recognizes that they must before they rest. If they wait out the night idly - who knows how many necks will bitten. Our heroes race to Vallaki’s church and wake up the Priest.

The Priest, Lucian, immediately understand the gravity of the situation and tells all. Nobody knew about the reliquary or had access to the holy objects inside the churches alter. The secret compartment was well hidden. Lucian is quite certain that no vampires could have done it. “Those foul creatures could not lay a hand on such a holy object.”

Lucian does not know why anyone in town would have stolen the Saint’s Bones. He knows that only one other person knew their whereabouts, Milo his young assistant.

Milo, not quite 16 years old, was gently questioned by Zeff and Kai - and he had no secrets to keep. Aware that blood was already spilled Milo confesses. He explains that he had always felt safe in the consecrated walls of Vallaki - a feeling he never quite could get in any other place within Barovia. Milo admits that he took the Bones because he wanted that warm feeling at home and not just when attending Mass. “I wanted to share that warmth with my parents, my brother and my sisters… I accept what I did was wrong.”

Our heroes ask Milo to return the bones - but the boy can only admit he doesn’t have them anymore. Milo sold them to the town Carpenter, Heinrik, for 500 gold coins. The magical feeling didn’t last the way Milo was expecting. Rather than admit a wrong to the Priest who trusted him - Milo sold them away so that his family would know no hunger.

Milo never spent any of the gold. He hands the whole sum to the Heroes. They recognize the familiar stamped face of Barovia’s Master. Hot on the trail of the culprit our heroes rush to Heinrik’s workshop. They pound on his door and even try to burst in thru the side. From inside the walls awake at this midnight hour Heinrik shouts back, “We’re closed! Go Away!”

Our heroes make to unlock the side door. Garrick ready to catch the thief if he attempts to run for it. Our heroes are themselves no criminals - they came with the full force of the law. As Heinrik realizes the TownWatch is here to arrest him - he opens his front door as says, “You don’t understand, they made me do it.”

They - Garrick soon realizes - are in the backroom of the carpenter’s workshop. Our heroes see 6 freshly made coffins slowly open up.

Garrick is the first to feel the rush of Strahd’s fledgling vampires descend upon him! He is barely able to protect himself from 6 pairs of clawed hands and vampire fangs. The holy knight shields himself against their dark strength but he is outmatched.

Meanwhile, the NightWatch detain Heinrik who cowers in the corner and tells everyone everything. Markovia’s Bones are in a bag under his bed. Kai flies upstairs and bursts into Heinrik's bedroom - snatching a black silk bag before rushing to Garrick’s defense.

Zeff pushes into the backroom of the workshop to see Garrick wrestling 6 against 1. He sculpts his magic fire to shoot on both side of Garrick, striking the Vampires with flame. Zeff is too late however, for while he managed to sear all of Garrick’s enemies in a single blow - they had slain the Holy Knight.

Kai returns to the ground floor to see Garrick dead. Zeff soon to follow into the grave- Kai reaches into the bag and reveals the holy power within. Suddenly the Bones glow with golden light. The Amulet Zeff was carrying. The Amulet of Ravenkind Zeff shines brightly as well. Kai holds the light high over his head and the Vampires Cower.

Zeff seizing the chance for vengeance - lays down his fiery magic again - this time the flames shoot out not orange & red but white & gold!

The vampires burn up every last one of them crumbling to dust. Heinrik is dragged away and sent to prison.

With all of the evenings revelations and crises averted. The Baron and Baroness Vallokovich offer up the wedding Dress so that our heroes can return to the Abbot. St Markovia’s Bones are returned to the Reliquary and Priest Lucian believes that Vallaki is safe once more. For the first time - our heroes see the Baron’s nerves soften - and he no longer shakes when he speaks.

Zeff & Kai rest at last. In the morning they set off for the Abbey - they wonder how the Abbot can help them because they’ve lost so much already.

As they leave for the old Svalich road they find a surprise travelling companion - also going for Krezk is Rictavio - A.K.A. Rudolph Van Richten...