Adventure 8 - In which our heroes wake the Dragon…
Marble Statue of the Silver Dragon Argynvost
As you’ll recall, Kai and Zeff had just lost their brave knight companion Garrick, but had earned the trust of Vallaki. Exiting town they met up with the Legendary Vampire-Slayer Rudolph Van Richten. Initially overjoyed Kai & Zeff beg Van Richten to help them finish their mission and defeat Strahd.
The Vampire slayer refuses.
He explains that he, and others before him, have underestimated the danger Strahd poses. VanRichten / "Rictavio" doubts that anyone can directly face the Vampire. He only came to Barovia because he learned that his protégé has foolishly decided to embark on this impossible mission herself. Van Richten doesn’t know if Kai or Zeff will be able to escape or what they will manage to accomplish. Yet, they did save Vallaki and have a prize to deliver to the Abbott. He agrees to help them get to their destination - but “Rictavio” works best alone.
Vassilka & The Abbott
Uneasy, Kai and Zeff return to the Abbott and present the Wedding Dress to the “Holy Man.” The Abbott is most pleased, his satisfaction filling up the room as he magically radiates light and warmth. “Now that you have aided me to finish my miracle I shall share some with you.” With that The Abbott kisses Vassilka’s forehead and asks Strahd’s Bride to listen and obey to our heroes. The Abbott tells them to go meet their fallen ally Garrick - for he has been raised from the dead.
He says no more. Kai & Zeff know enough not to challenge the Abbott’s silence.
Leaving Krezk & the Abbey Behind, our heroes collect their thoughts at the Visanti camp. There they find th living Garrick, he Abbot spoke true and brought back to life. The Brother’s Arrigail & Luvash have returned from their business trip out of town. They deliver the packages to Garrick & Kai, their special customers. As before Kasamir Velikov offers to guide everyone up the mountainside towards the Amber Temple. He advises them to dress for the cold. The Visanti Brothers are also curious about their next move. Were they going to visit the Ruined Mansion to the south?
Interest piqued - our heroes head south towards the flooded valley. Magnolia may have fallen to the Vampire but she told them of the ruins of Berez and the gravesite in the marsh. The Vistanti Brothers tell them all to beware of ghosts and wish them the best of the luck. They, naturally, will stay behind with the merchandise.
Although all our heroes have had a peek at this once great house when passing by on the road only now have they approached it to investigate. Like all the huts in flooded village below, the building is lopsided, slowly sinking into the mud. One of its wings completely open to the elements. Centered in the courtyard near the front door sits a large statue of a Silver Dragon.
The Wizard Zeff reads the name on the bottom of the statue. Argynvost, the name of the Patroness of the Order of the Silver Dragon Knights. The home of these knights shares a name to the Dragon: Argynvostholt. Our heroes head to the front door, unsure how afraid they should be of what’s inside - many other monsters in Barovia have proved unkind.
However, a few steps into the door they do not see a transparent spectral face, but rather the pale skin of one of Argynvostholt’s knights. At first they fear they’ve encountered a Zombie, but the knight’s kind eyes reveal his nature. Godfrey Gwilym welcomes them all to his home.
Sir Godfrey Gwilym
Sir Godfrey, explains how his home is the sight of one of Strahd’s first crimes. 500 years ago, Strahd Von Zorovich murdered his brother, Sergei Von Zorovich, to be with his Sergei’s wife, Tatyanna. When the Dragon Knights heard of this horrible crime they sought justice against the monstrous devil Strahd. Sergei was himself a member of the Silver Dragon Knights and his fellows were brave and mighty.
However, the Dragon Knights could not defeat the dark power at the vampire’s Command. He slew all of them - Now their ghosts wait, restless & eager to see Strahd Punished! Godfrey explains that the forces of darkness killed all the knights, destroyed their home, and even brought down the Dragon herself. The wicked Vampire carts off the head of the Silver Dragon and mounted it on his wall as a vile trophy.
Over the last centuries Godfrey, and his beloved Vladimir have shared a few small victories against the Vampire. Trying to hunt his servants throughout Barovia. They could not properly bury the Dragon Argynvost, or their former comrade Sergei, Vladimir was only able to recover the remnants of Sergei’s sword.
Making special note that the sword must be a valuable clue in their quest our heroes proceed. As they climb higher up the floors of the ruined mansion the Knight’s Home seems more and more decrepit. The room caved in at one point and the many treasures, medals, and glory of the Silver Dragon Knights was stolen long ago. On the 3rd Floor they find the leader of the order. Our heroes introduce themselves to Vladimir Horngaard.
Vladimir HornGaard
Vladimir welcomes our heroes and echoes the sad story already shared to them by his brothers in arms, and his husband, Godfrey. Strahd Von Zorrovich murdered his brother to be with Tatyanna…
Happy to help and grateful to have met willing friends in bleak Barovia Kai begins to explain a plan to finally defeat the vampire once and for all. Our heroes already have the Amulet, they’ve turned Strahd’s servants into new friends, & they may just get the help of a legendary vampire hunter!
“You shall do no such thing!" Vladimir interrupts. “The Devil Strahd’s crimes are too great to allow him rest. He must persist in Barovia so that his dark heart shall forever more despair!”
Vladimir attacks, his heart full of rage. - Garrick nobly tries to explain that a new path forward is possible but the red mist swirls in Vladimir’s eyes. He uses his mighty sword of the Dragon knights in one hand, while holding the hilt of Sergei’s broken one in the other. Vladmir’s anger seems to have multiplied his strength. If only he could be see the need Barovia has of him - he would be such a great champion for the innocent.
With no choice, our heroes subdue Vladimir and Vassilka wrestles Sergei’s sword from his hands. Vladimir’s body falls down but does not remain for long - he too is an immortal victim of the curse of Strahd. His rage will not allow him to rest in any grave. With their leader fallen the onlooking ghostly knights roar. The very mansion itself seeming to scream. The Knights’ ghostly shout as loud as a Dragon, the noise chases our heroes away.
As they flee, our heroes remember Madam Eva’s Prophecy. “Dishonor and hate fill the hearts of a group of fallen knights in the land…”
Surely they had been able to recover their prize from the dishonored knights - but no peace lies in the dragon’s lair.