Adventure 5 - In which our heroes see more than they wanted
Although the village of Barovia may be safe now, the weather in the County has not improved. Our heroes discover that they still sit with so many unanswered questions that they leave the Inn to find truth.
Zeff, Garrick & Kai debate their next move and decide that they need to follow the ravens west. Madam Eva had said that the ravens ferry souls throughout Barovia. What must be on the other side of the valley to attract all that attention. They say goodbye to the villagers and head out along the old Svalich road - hoping to take the twisty trails in good time before sundown.
Meanwhile Magnolia has a different plan. Still curious of where gentlemen Holz acquired those vibrant roses she transforms into a salmon to explore upriver. There simply isn’t enough sunlight in these pine forests and soaked hillsides to sustain a garden.
On the road west the party of the 3 climb up the roadway to the west and then the north. As they pass by the cliffs overlooking the village below they have a good view of Castle Ravenloft. Its fires & candles within shooting light through the rainfall. Suddenly they see it’s drawbridge lower and a horse and rider racing out - following the road in their direction. With Zeff, Garrick, Kai and the Rider all heading west they anticipate this encounter and steel themselves.
No battle comes however, although the rider looks like they could give it.
He introduces himself as the Count’s Chamberlain and informs them that a dangerous fugitive is wandering Barovia. “The count will offer gold for information that leads to their capture.” Strahd’s messenger hands them a wanted poster and tells them to be on the lookout for Rudolph Van Richten. With his Errands in Mind the Rider races off out of sight.
Questions continue to bubble for our heroes, but they cannot delay. They need to reach a settlement before nightfall or no telling what vampire or werewolf will aim to chase them. In in daylight wolves can be a problem, and were before. At dusk the party is racing for shelter in the rain - with hollowing coming from behind. They aim to take off the main road and follow a a horse trail into the woods. There is the light of a campfire ahead. Without knowing how far into the next town they chance the closest option.
Kasamir Velikov
Wolves chase them into the camp - biting at their heels and almost dragging Kai away. This fight is more fierce than the last one in the town. Garrick and Zeff blast at them with fire and steel and rout their attackers. With no time to waste they race into the campsite to find a familiar face.
Sort of.
The Elf is named Kasimir Velikov, and he does look familiar even if they had not met him before. He shares features like the Ancien Adan-Hel our heroes had met outside of Barovia. Kasimir also explain the Counts Chamberlain - Rahadin - is a Dusk Elf too. Kasimir begs the party to not mention these things to him for they are painful memories. Adan-Hel was his cousin, and Rahadin a murderer.
He and the other Dusk Elves are prisoners in Barovia, best ignored by the count. They live in this campsite with the Vistanti who Strahd also leaves alone. If our heroes want more answers they should discuss with the Visanti.
The head of the Visanti, Luvash, was occupying himself with “teaching a lesson” to one of his night watchmen. Luvash and Arrigal berate this soul for his dereliction of duty - he allowed Luvash’s daughter to be kidnapped. Luvash won’t allow him to do it again.
Our heroes beg the brutish Luvash to stop - they have a better idea! Zeff, Garrick, and Kai know exactly where Bella would have been taking. They explain about the witch and how they grew wise to her tricks - if they . They take Luvash’s Carriage along the Road to the old Bonegrinder. They barge in the door and interrupt the Witches horrible meal. Our heroes pat themselves on the back, pleased and confident that they were able to once again dispatch the darkness.
Luvash expresses his gratitude.
Back in the river, Magnolia swims upstream - braving the falls to discover a flooded valley at the heart of Barovia. The county is dominated to the north and south by two mountains. Ghakis to the south with is snow caped peak and dreadful winds surround the mountain in mist. Barrotok to the North with its glacier icy waters and the chill of Lake Zarovich. These eaters flows south down thru the valley - eventually reaching the east towards the village.
But not before passing by the marshland Magnolia found herself in now. Returning to human form she wandered among the sinking houses of a ruined village. Even a large Mansion to north built on higher ground is also slowly sinking into the swamp. Magnolia did find her target however. While most everything else is waterlogged and half covered in grass and mud - 1 edifice stands upright in the marsh. Getting Closer Magnolia finds a tombstone, or rather a true monument. White marble standing beside simple headstones and soggy graves.
“Marina: Taken by the Mists.” is all it says.
Magnolia also spies a 2nd more sinister clue. Those bright red roses also fill this graveyard. Not on garden bushes but popping up from the ground like a field of daisies. Sense getting the better of her Magnolia decides to retreat. She runs northwards past the decrepit Mansion back to the old Svalich Road. Serendipity joins in. Scanning the wind and the rain Magnolia spies the fires of a campsite, and arrives to discover the same location her 3 companions had already fled to.
Waiting out the Rain the players wait until Dawn. Arrigal, Luvash, and the other Vistanti welcome them to share a warm place and meal.
In the morning our heroes discuss their findings with the Visanti and with Kasimir Velikov. Realizing now that Strahd’s domain is larger than they anticipated they feel lost among the possibilities. From this campsite there are a good 6 paths they could follow- along all the compass! Arrigal and Luvash do make a proposal - as wanderers and traders themselves they have deliveries to make to the different towns. Wine is the lifeblood of Barovia - as thanks for rescuing Bella they could take a shipment of wine and deliver it to a destination of their choice.
Still curious of the West and where the Raven’s fly to, our heroes opt to Visit Krezk and the Abbey on the furthest edge of Strahd’s Realm. The Vistani pack a wagon with Wine and our heroes take the Old Svalich Road once more towards the Abbey of St Markovia.
Young Illya - Slain by Wolves - Miraculously brought to life
Krezk and the Abeey is not a large building easily half the size the Barovia Village - that itself was half populated by empty houses. The Abbey looms over small Krezk like Castle Ravenloft did back east. On a cliff and easily visible as our heroes approach. However their attention is diverted by a parade of people coming out of the gates. A funeral is being held for young Illya cut down by wolves in the nearby forests. Baron and Baroness Krezkov, now grey haired carry, Illya into a burial mound outside the village walls. They carry him inside on a stretcher and a few moments later exit leaving their son behind.
Baron & Baroness Krezkov
Our heroes walk towards the town gates to enter into Krezk and out surprised to see a man dressed in white coming down from the abbey towards them. A late comer to the Funeral. They allow this man to pass, he asks them to accompany him to pay respect for the dead. They all follow this holy man as he goes about his work. He offers sympathy for the mourners and provides a few brief words of blessing.
He even approaches the tomb before it is covered up by the funeral attendees. Everyone else remains outside expecting the man in white to provide last rites. However, when he exists - everyone is flabbergasted to see young Illya Walking beside him! The whole crowd is flabbergasted to see a genuine miracle before their very eyes!
Illya, Baron, & Baroness reunite in a hug warm enough to lift the Barovian mists. They cannot think of what they could do to repay the Abbott’s generosity. The Abbot calms them and says he was happy to share his blessings. He turns to the heroes and asks them to join him in the Abbey tomorrow morning. He departs assuming everyone will obey. The joy of Illa’s resurrection turns to even greater heights as Baron and Baroness learn that they Party has delivered Wine. The funeral is abruptly canceled - The People of Krezk will now Celebrate Life!
In the morning our heroes awaken to take the walk up towards the Abbey. At the gate they are met by Colvin Belview who welcomes them inside. The players are originally shocked by his appearance but do their best to be polite. Colvin explains that he was once a leper but the Abbot cured him. He lives here now with his family and does his best to take care of this Place.
Colvin leads them onto the gates of the Abbey opening the doors to the church . This area reminds the heroes much like the one back in Barovia. Although the Abbot has resources to properly maintain it. The pews neatly arranged and free of dust - a large Icon of the MorningLord, Lathander on the far side. Near the Alter is a woman in a fine dress she offers a polite curtsey as they enter but says nothing.
Cautious, they approach each other until Kai is close enough to see, plain as day, that she is no ordinary woman. Our heroes finally see the lady as she really is and they step back aghast. Her face stitched together, with silk thread, her movements out of place and unnatural. “Marvelous Isn’t she?” The Abbot says as he descends from the Belfry. He glides over to “Vasilka,” and thanks the heroes for coming. Unprompted he explains his master plan…
“You like the rest of Barovians are now residents of Strahd’s Prision. His ancient crimes and misdeed have cursed him, and consequently the whole of his Domain…”
The Abbott explains that our heroes have no hope of leaving this land, no long as Strahd wills them to remain. He brought them here like many other failed adventurers to be his toys. This cycles will continue endlessly so long as his heart remains cold and dark.
To defeat Strahd Directly is impossible, instead I aim to forgive him. To enlighten his emptiness and break the curse. His plan of Attack? Is to give Strahd the only thing he desires his equal match. “And I have made her,” The Abbot proclaims. “She is my finest creation - we will bless Strahd with a holy Wedding and he will be cursed no more… The Abbot says more but his words only reveal a greater madness and misunderstanding of the situation. He openly tells our heroes about their betrayal, of what Strahd did to warrant punishment.
He remain calm until they ask of Ireena and Strahd’s interest in her. “She is of no consequence,” The Abbot rebukes. “What does the count want with an insignificant peasant girl! I have made him his perfect match!”
Suddenly angry the Abbot requests the Heroes help to provide him with a wedding Dress for Strahd and Vasilka. It is after “The least they could do.” Especially after he was so generous to the people of Krezk and young Illya. He has shown remarkable patience and goodwill thus far.
Vassilka, The Abbott’s Bride & the Holy Abbot Himself
All smiles Now, our heroes agree to help the Abbot with anything and everything he asks of them. They will help him acquire a wedding dress, and they will help to enlighten the dark heart of Strahd. The Abbot thanks them for their cooperation and sends them on their way. He requires that they take care of this immediately.
Garrick cannot leave the Abbey fast enough, hurrying along as fast as his heavy armor allows. Our heroes exist out the Abbey courtyard. Colvin waves goodbye, “Come back soon.”
Just as he shuts the gates to the Abbey, Magnolia has one last pitiable look at poor Colvin as he shuts the gate. She hears his feet waddle off on business.
All 4 of them hurry down the road away from the Abbey. Just before they leave Krezk, out of the corner of their eyes the players spy one last surprise. For the first time in a while they see sunlight. A gap in the clouds has let beams down into Barovia. Illuminating a small pond and its gazebo. For the first time in a week, Magnolia feels that the weather conditions are as they should be.