Relationship Round Robin
The beginning of an adventure can often be confusing. Many plot points need to be identified on day one. One such challenge in the beginning is coming up with a reason every hero knows each other. It is a good first move to establish how the player characters want to interact with each other. Cooperation, compromise and conflict, seen early by just asking, "how do I know you again?"
Sometimes it can be tough to think of a reason 4, 5, 6, or more heroes are teaming up. It took the MCU a whole movie to have the avengers assemble. One trick to tie everyone together is to create one relationship for ever player.
Each player character is related to one other. A knows B, B knows C, C knows D, D knows E, and E knows A.
For 5 heroes you have a circle of 5 relationships that establishes a connection to to be played off of later.
This relationship can be just about anything. Could be family, could be romantic, could be strictly business. It can be an active affair - A and B are attending the same school, or it could be former, C and D - are divorced.
Whatever the explanation because each person is tied to two others, the whole table has a step in the door to building a relationship.
Whether the player characters love each other, or tolerate each other, it can be very puzzling if they are just strangers.
Bonus points if you include NPCs many heroes know as well.
Remember its all make believe, nothing happens unless you say it is so. So say it out loud and add some details to why the heroes are in it to win it!