How to play:
Your role in the game

Each player will adopt the role of a Clan’s leadership. Each round a clan will elect to support or thwart an objective. Clans have a pool of 5 (five) d10s which they can allocate to any objective (Even an objective of another Clan)

[If we have a surplus of players, more than 1 player may act as a clan, but the clan’s choices and power do not change.

Choosing objectives

All Clans will secretly record their supports or thwarts until the end of the round. Dice allocations are then revealed and the d10s are rolled. All results from all Clan happen simultaneously.

When a clan Supports or Thwarts an Objective, they allocate a portion of their 5 Dice to that Aim. All dice are rolled simultaneously and the degrees of success are calculated according to the face of the d10:

For a “10” = Two Degrees of success are counted

For “6” through ”9” = One Degree of success is counted

For a “2” through “5” = No Degree of success is counted

For a “1” = One fewer degree of success is counted [This also could remove a prior degree]

If the dice was allocated in Support of an Objective, the degrees of success are added as successes to that objective.

If the dice was allocated to Thwart an Objective, the degrees of success are removed / negated to that objective.

The maximum degree of success for any objective is 3. Degrees of success carry over from 1 round to the next, therefore they may accumulate over time.

Degrees of success in excess of 3 are wasted.

An objective cannot have a negative degree of success. If all of the degrees of success

Common Clan Objectives

The following cover The games "Common Objectives" most Clans in the game has a preference for these to go one way or another, not all clans care about all Common Objectives. The Objectives of any clan (Common and Unique) are not revealed publicly before the game begins. During gameplay players are free to tell their peers (or even lie) about what Objectives their clan has.

Common Objectives come in a few varieties:

  • Exclusive - Meaning only 1 clan at a time can hold the objective

  • Inclusive - Meaning that the Objective occurs or doesn't effecting all clans simultaneously

  • *Humiliate - This objective allows a clan to frustrate another clan, targeting this rival in particular.

    • A Clan which is Humiliated at the end of the game loses 2 points. Any number of clans may be Humiliated

Some objectives are mutually exclusive and players may allocate dice to support opposite ends. In a circumstance where opposite objectives are both given some # degree of success, only the difference [subtraction] of the greater minus the lower is counted. [Zero degrees of success if they match]

For example only one clan may be made “High Prince” of Both Minneapolis & St Paul. If Clan A has 3 degrees of success supporting them and Clan B has 1 degree of success supporting them, Clan A will receive 2 degrees.

If the dice results are ever ambigious or result in a tie, Prince Rhian determines the winner of a TIE.

Different Clans / Characters have different point values for the various objectives. Not all clans care about the common objectives equally. Some clans have Unique objectives others have no direct stake in.


Clan Powers

Each Clan has a Power, unique to them. All players will know of each clans power at the start of the game.

[Ask the storyteller for clarification on how the powers are intended to function.]

Each Clan has also has a unique set of objectives to them. Players start only knowing their own objectives, and how many points they are worth to their clan. Revealing clan objectives may occur over the course of the game.

Some objectives may be shared between clans, but their points may differ. Meaning some clans want an outcome more than others.


Game Rounds

Game rounds will be broken into 3 phases: The Soiree phase, The Allocation phase, and the Verdict phase.

During the Soiree phase, players are free to communicate with each other and plan. Players ought to take this time to consider who among their peers will likely support or thwart their objectives. Players can make use of private text messages, the private rooms for voice calls, or other means to share and conspire.

This round will go on for a predetermined amount of time and after it elapses players move into the Allocation phase.

In the Allocation phase players are no longer allowed to speak. Silence is essential as the players decide how to allocate their dice to support or thwart objectives. Players make their allocations secretly to the Storyteller. Other players will not immediately know if their peers kept their promises [except for Snorky-Clan Nosferatu]. Once all players have given their allocations to the StoryTeller, the dice will be rolled and we progress to the Verdict Phase.

The Verdict phase occurs as the dice results are being announced. All results are shared simultaneously, so degrees of success which negate each other are counted [greater minus lower] at the same time.

Players will get to know how many total dice were given to support or thwart an objective, but they will not know who gave them.

After all the sum of dice are assigned but before they are rolled, Clan Tremere may use their power to now allocate their dice. Clan Tremere may chose to allocate any # of their dice in the allocation phase but opting out of their power.


End of the game.

When the game approaches its final hours, the Prince will hold one last Soiree, allocation, and Verdict phase. Upon this last round's conclusion the game will end and players will count up their scores.

Player objectives will be revealed to all, and the point value of their objectives tallied.

The winner of the game is whichever clan has earned the most points.

In the case of a tie, Prince Rhian determines the winner.

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