
A few weeks later, Esmerelda & Garrick find each other in the village of Grimsby. The young vampire Hunter explains that she found Van Richten safe and sound after he had destroyed the tomb of Strahd in the Crypt. The pair are now united in purpose once again and they will stay close to Barovia. “There are many more evils to fight,” Esmerelda explains.

Garrick nods along understanding the endless struggle to protect the innocent. “I am glad we met and that we were able to bring hope into this darkness.”

They share details of the subtle changes they have spotted in the last days. Wolves no longer carry an evil intent at night, the Visanti bandits have packed up their wagons and left. The eternal fog has lifted from the valley. Even at distance the gates of Barovia can be seen on the horizon. The walls stand tall but they no longer keep a barrier to the outside world. Joy has retuned to the Barovians.

“Sergei and Tatyana have their escaped to their eternal rest. We broke the Curse of Strahd,” Garrick states. “I believe the vampire’s overreach allowed us to accomplish the impossible. Things are permanently changed for the better. I believe it is because Strahd allowed us in and misunderstood our destiny.”

Garrick offers a victory toast, but Esmeralda declines. “I don’t foresee the future will be as pleasant as you predict.”

“Oh come, come…” Garrick says confidently. “You were there when the beast was dispatched - his wicked plan was thwarted. What does the Devil Strahd want now - that isn’t outside of his power?

“I do not know,” Esmeralda admits. “But I fear the same Dark Powers that made him, are not finished with Strahd Von Zorovich. The Cards tells me he will have his dark rebirth, the Visanti will return, and that the villages of Barovia will fortify against dread once again.”

Garrick drinks slowly and shakes his head in disagreement. “That is a mere suspicion. This story is definitely over.”

“I pray you are right,” Esmeralda adds.

The two part ways with the vampire hunter travelling east back into the Valley & with Garrick heading west. Each onto the remainder of what destiny has in store.

While Garrick is true & correct, it may be that someone else will have their own run-ins with the Curse of Strahd.