Portrait of Strahd Von Zorovich in the Main Hall of Castle Ravenloft
Adventure 11 - In Which our heroes hurry to the rescue…
Exhausted, but unable to delay our heroes meetup with several people from the villages on the road to Castle Ravenloft. In the distance Garick & Zeff can see the evil servants of Strahd battling the militia in Barovia & the volunteers from Vallaki that can to aide. However there is no time to assist the village. The signpost and the crossroads have become a congress. Beside the discussion a black Carriage awaits, its coachmen as still as the grave. He offers a silent invitation from Castle Ravenloft.
Esmerelda & Rudolph Van Richten clash on their priorities. Garrick & Zeff enter in the middle of a debate. All discuss what matters most in the short amount of time remaining. Van Richten & Priest Donovich of Barovia believe they must go down into the Crypt and destroy the Devil Strahd. “His crimes are innumerable and if we delay he will destroy us all.”
While indisputable, Garrick & Zeff join Esmerelda’s side and propose a different plan. They feel it is essential to rescue Irena before the Vampire corrupts her or she throws herself into the mists - resetting the whole cycle once more. “We understand she lies at the center of all his evil schemes. His sole goal for 500 years have been to have her. We cannot allow him to commit this one last injustice.”
The Black Carriage to Castel Ravenloft & its ghoulish Driver
A Plan is made to divide the castle in two - Van Richten, Priest Donovich, & the Ravens will go into the Crypt and place a stake in the Devil’s heart. This will occupy the Vampire and keep his busy while Esmerelda, Izmark, Garrick, & Zeff will go high and look for Ireena in the Halls of the Castle.
Izmark is eager to assist but Zeff remembers while he is brave, he knows nothing of battle. Zeff considers for a moment but suspects that his innocent soul is also one that has too long persisted in the fog of Barovia. Zeff hands Izmark the sword hilt he has been carrying. Sergei’s sword that has been long in waiting.
Suddenly as Izmark is given the sword, a golden blade extends from the hilt. The boy who loves Ireena is transformed by memories of Sergei!
“You two, and your fallen allies have done more to help Barovia than I can ever repay your for. I was long ago murdered by my jealous brother - but I have enough strength from the honorable memories of me to help you this last time. We cannot tarry - onto Ravenloft and onto preserving the thing that darkness should never touch!”
Inspired by the change in Izmark, Esmerelda, Garrick, & Zeff follow him into the Carriage. This new team of heroes takes the invitation from the Vampire and get in. Wordlessly the coachmen tasks the black horses on and they travel along the road into the Castle’s Walls.
Van Richten and the other heroes exit first and poke around the courtyard. “Do not worry about us,” Van Richten says - “We will find a way to enter the dungeon & we will defile the Devil’s Tomb so he will never rest again.”
Izmark & company leave the Carriage and walk towards the main hall. Unsurprisingly the front door of the Castle opens for them as they approach. More surprisingly, our heroes are greeted by Vassilka & an Image of Strahd von Zorovich.
“Welcome my friends,” Strahd Von Zorovich says leading them into the grand entryway. “I hope you do not mind that I have already dined this evening. I was so happy to attend to my bride on our wedding day.”
Neither Garrick nor Zeff are deceived by the mere impression of Strahd. Just a shadows conjured to confuse them.
Turning to Vassilka, the false Strahd commands her to wait in the Chapel for his arrival. He will join her on this happy day shortly. She obeys and the heroes follow entering into the Chapel - long ago desecrated by Strahd. Its alter cracked in two - the stain glass windows shattered. Hung in front of the Morning Lord’s icon, upside down, is the skull of the Silver Dragon Argynvost.
Vassilka calmly leans over the broken alter to pray as our heroes spread out to carefully examine the room.
Our heroes consider spreading out to examine the room more carefully but imagine an ambush could find them at any time. A worthwhile concern but one that cannot stop the Vampire. Strahd Von Zorovich is like a living shadow - he silently emerges from the corner of the Chapel and rushes forward to lunge at Izmark’s heart!
Many things happen at once. Swarms of Bats burst through the window or cracks in the walls. These descend on Esmerelda and flit around her with a hundred tiny bites. The very pews of the chapel, broken and sometimes legless come to life. Their wooden frames warping and trying to ensnare Zeff of crush him.
Izmark still tangles with Strahd. His golden sword clearly able to inure the Vampire. Its intangible blade burning away at the Devil’s skin. Yet Strahd is faster and stronger than Izmark & his brother Sergei combined. Strahd casually dodge sword strokes. Sometimes even finding a moment to counter-spell magic and infuriate Zeff.
Garrick intervenes and uses his Holy Symbol to turn night into day conjuring illumination that rivals dawn itself. Strahd may be mighty but he is still limited as any vampire. Our heroes came prepared. They pepper Strahd with Holy water, & magic until the flies away to his crypt to face the other heroes below. Strahd’s sneak attack foiled he sinks into the stone floor like gas would below a grate.
With Strahd now driven away, our heroes spy the swarm of bats fleeing up the staircase of a tower. Suspecting this must lead to a roost our heroes climb up to the very highest peak of Ravenloft to get a better view. A view they have - castle Ravenloft has 2 spires, a tall thin watchtower and a wider shorter keep. The Keep is just beside them and they can look down on it from some 50 feet above. The watchtower they look out from is way above the walls of the castle and the halls below. Above them they can see the moon high and below them the slow march of the fallen heroes who previously failed against the vampire. Among them Kai’s soul leading against Ravenloft.
Zeff suggests they save time by leaping off. He grabs a magic feather from his pocket and casts a spell. They fall 200 feet and land softly on the roof of the Vampire’s residence.
Gertuda, Daughter of Mad Mary & Now eternally young
Esmerelda knows they are being followed. On the outskirts of their vision are red eyes. The watchful servants of Strahd leer at the heroes before darting out of sight. As they make their way inside they pass by more rooms long abandoned by the Vampire. Our heroes are careful not to touch anything certain they may accidently give away their presence or get lost.
Finally they reach a bedroom and meet Gertruda. Garrick remembers her as Mad Mary’s daughter. But the young woman’s pale skin and fangs reveal that no longer is she a girl but a creature of the night.
Our heroes decide to avoid her, and Gertruda does not bother them either way. She says that she is no longer the favorite object of Holz’ affection. The Master of Barovia has been attending to a pretty young thing a few floors below in the dinning room.
Our heroes continue their search for Ireena - not knowing how much longer Strahd Von Zorovich will be distracted by the battle below.